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Black Nugget Lake Park Fish Stocking

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Fish Stocking at Black Nugget 2023
Fish Stocking at Black Nugget 2023
Today (May 2nd), Black Nugget Lake Park was stocked with a combination of Rainbow and Tiger Trout, approximately 10,000 fish! The lake is stocked in the spring and fall, as water temperatures are too warm in the summer. Stocking is simple, fish are transported from the provincial fish hatcheries (these fish came from Calgary), directly into the waterbody. Fish are traditionally stocked into the water through a large hose. Sterile, catchable –sized trout are put into the lake where anglers can harvest up to 5 trout per day. Black Nugget Lake is a popular lake for families and anglers of all ages. A fishing license is required to fish at Black Nugget Lake.