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Council Meeting Highlights, July 21, 2021

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JUNE 21, 2021

Jason Suchy – Drainage Issues
Jason Suchy, Division 3, resident, attended the Council.  J. Suchy expressed concerns regarding drainage issues along Waskwei Creek as follows:

  • Beaver dams are affecting infrastructure
  • The drainage issue affects approximately 40 quarters
  • The time to deal with this issue is now as flooding will occur once it rains or snows

Later in the meeting Council passed a motion directing to administration return with an RFP with a cost for removal of dams along Waskwei Creek from Township Road 500 north to Township Road 512.

Bylaw 21-1110 – Surface Drainage Bylaw
Bylaw 21-1100 was presented to Council for consideration at the July 7, 2021, Regular Council meeting.  The proposed Surface Drainage Bylaw will enable the County to control surface drainage and restrict alterations to land that could create drainage concerns.  Council passed 1st reading of the bylaw and requested that a public hearing be held to obtain stakeholder input on the bylaw.

Council passed a motion to amend Bylaw 21-1100 as follows:

Add Section 2, Subsection (i)

“Owner” means any Person who is the registered owner on the Certificate of Title at the Land Titles Office, or any other Person who is in lawful possession thereof, or who is in lawful possession or occupancy of any buildings situated thereon, or any agent of, or Person acting on behalf of the Owner, including but not limited to a contractor.

Bruce Sports & Stampede Association – Request for Sponsorship
The Bruce Sports & Stampede Association Directors have decided to proceed with the 107th Bruce Stampede on July 30 – August 1, 2021 and requested that Council approve a Platinum Sponsorship of $2,500 for the Bruce Sports & Stampede Association.

Since COVID restrictions were still in effect in February and an end date was unclear, the Directors of the Bruce Sports & Stampede Association were unsure if the Stampede was going to be permitted to occur, therefore did not submit a request for sponsorship before the February 28, 2021 deadline.

Council passed a motion to approve a Platinum Sponsorship of $2,500 for the Bruce Sports & Stampede Association.

Birch Grove Estates – Request for Fire Hydrants
The County received a request from a ratepayer in Birch Grove Estates, interested in exploring whether the County would consider the installation of a dry barrel hydrant system or drafting hydrant system to service the subdivision. 

Council passed a motion that administration pursue, with the assistance of the Highway 14 Regional Water Services Commission and Beaver Emergency Services Commission, the costs and feasibility of various fire protection alternatives in all rural subdivisions.

Roadside Spraying
Council passed a motion approving the expansion of the current mowing program for 2021 and that Council revisit the Mowing Policy.

Roadside Vegetation Removal Program
At the July 7, 2021, Council meeting, Council discussed managing cattails in roadside ditches.  Council directed administration to report back to Council on the feasibility of a program of this nature.

Council passed a motion to defer a Roadside Vegetation Removal Program to 2022 budget discussions.

Policy – Farm Family Award
At the July 7, 2021 Regular meeting of Council, the 2021 Farm Family Award was discussed in Closed Session. Administration was directed to bring back a Policy amendment for Council’s review.

Under the current policy, the Farm Family Unit must be recognized by the Northlands Farm Family Award program to receive the County award.  The County award currently is $200 in County promotional items.

Council passed a motion to amend the Farm Family Award Policy to allow Council to award the Farm Family Award independent of the Northland’s Award. Council also deleted the Farm Family Award Administrative Procedure.

Council also passed a motion appointing the Kittle Family as the 2021 Beaver County Farm Family Award recipients.

Agricultural Disaster Declaration
An Agricultural Disaster Declaration can be used by municipalities to bring awareness to issues surrounding excessive moisture and drought which are having an impact on agricultural production.

Municipal declarations do not automatically trigger access to increased funding programs, Provincially or Federally.  A Provincial declaration is necessary to trigger claim payments through AFSC. On July 15, 2021, it was announced that the Federal Government will activate the AgriRecovery program for western farmers.

Conditions within Beaver County have been hot and dry over the last few weeks, which does factor in to crop development and potential yields.  Across the County there has been some variability in the amount of moisture received and some areas may be a bit better off than other areas.  The development of localized storms may also have had an impact on crops, either by providing needed moisture or causing damage to crops, depending on the length and duration of the storm.

Council passed a motion declaring an Agricultural Disaster based on current drought conditions.

Beaver County Website
Cr. Bruce expressed concerns that the County website is difficult to navigate and not user friendly.

Administration advised that updates are pending however staffing/time limitations are an issue.

Equity Industrial Park Power Pre-Servicing
A tender was issued on June 4th for the pre-servicing required by Fortis for the installation of electrical utilities in phase 2 in Equity Industrial Park.  Upon closing the tender on June 25th, administration received no submissions.

The Purchasing Policy allows for administration to forego a 2nd tender call and seek bids ourselves when we have already followed an open and fair procurement process with no acceptable responses.

Administration reached out to two contractors recommended by Stantec Consulting, the engineers hired by the County to design the project, and we received one proposal from TC Infrastructure Services.

Council passed a motion that Council award a contract to TC Infrastructure Services in the amount of $107,859.50 for the installation of required underground infrastructure in Equity Industrial Park to allow the installation of buried electrical conduit by Fortis Alberta (Fortis).

Shoulder Pull Locations
At the May 19, 2021, Regular Council meeting. Council approved the change to the Shoulder Pull Locations (Range Road 130 from Township Road 490 – 482) to Township Road 490 from Range Road 130 to Range Road 123, however, the request should have been to Range Road 122. 

Council passed a motion to approve the change to the shoulder pull location from:
Township Road 490 from Range Road 130 to Range Road 123,
Township Road 490 from Range Road 130 to Range Road 122.

Future Dates
The next Regular Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 4, 2021, commencing at 8:30 am.

Live Streaming of the meeting is available on the day of the meeting via YouTube:

Please note that Council will be meeting via electronic means until the COVID-19 physical distancing requirement has been lifted.

For more information, contact Beaver County toll free at 1-866-663-1333 or 780-663-3730.

Did you know…our website is a useful way to get the information you need.

Live Streaming of the meeting is available on the day of the meeting via YouTube:

Please note that Council will be meeting via electronic means until the COVID-19 physical distancing requirement has been lifted.

For more information, contact Beaver County toll free at 1-866-663-1333 or 780-663-3730.

Did you know…our website is a useful way to get the information you need.