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County Corporate Review

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Beaver County Council is nearing the end of its 4-year term and is reviewing its performance as an organization.  The review has been initiated to ensure that Council is achieving its outcomes as directed by County policy and/or required under the Municipal Government Act.

The last time that Council conducted a review was in 2009.

This year’s review will be conducted by a third party, JR McDonald and Associates Inc., and all aspects of Council governance, administrative management/operations, and program delivery will be included.  In the interests of obtaining a thorough review, the lead consultant, Rick McDonald, welcomes input and comments both from within and outside the organization.

Your opinion is important!  If you wish to participate in the review, you are encouraged to contact Mr. McDonald at or 780-719-9241.  All input will be kept confidential.  The deadline for input is July 31, 2021.