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Important Notice to Beaver County Property Owners

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Snow clearance

Help Prevent Traffic Safety Hazards
Residents and property owners are advised to keep the snow and ice they clear from their driveways, and property on their own property.Helpful tips when clearing snow from your property:

  • Refrain from pushing the snow across the road at the end of your driveway.
  • Rather we ask that you push it to the “righthand side” of your driveway. This way our plows can easily pick it up without dragging it across your driveway and creating a windrow and properly push that snow back into the ditch to ensure that sightlines are maintained for safe travels.

Pushing snow and ice onto County roadways, ditches, right-of-way’s, and property other than your own results in:

  • Increased traffic and safety hazards by making roads uneven and unpassable
  • Slowing down the County’s snow removal process
  • Increased risk of damaging equipment during back blading of ditches
  • Potentially damaging roads and road maintenance equipment
  • Blocking or damaging culverts during freeze and thaw cycles which can lead to higher risks of flooding during the spring
  • Causing inconveniences for other property owners, residents and motorists.
  • Damaging utility lines, bridge structures, road access as well as vegetation.

Let’s stay safe out there!