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Council Meeting Highlights - January 17, 2024

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Policy & Bylaw Changes

  • Council rescinded the relevant existing policies, and approved new policies as per below:
    • Policy #CORP-019 – Payment of Accounts.
    • Policy #CORP-006 – Cash Control
    • Policy #CORP-022 – Purchasing
    • Policy #PD-008 – Verification of Compliance
    • Policy #GOV-001 – Acknowledgement of Treaty Six, after discussion a recorded vote was held. The motion to adopt the new policy passed.
    • Policy #CMM-003 – Proclamations
    • Policy #HR-009 – Employee Total Compensation, after discussion in closed session, a recorded vote was held. The motion to adopt the amended policy passed.
  • Council passed all three readings readings of Bylaw #23-1147 – Revolving Line of Credit.
  • Council passed all three readings readings of Bylaw #23-1145 – Fees, Rates & Charges.


Request for Health Foundation Support - Tofield Health Foundation

Council approved a grant of $13,200 to the Tofield and Area Health Foundation.


Rescheduling of March 20, 2024, Regular Council Meeting

The March 20, 2024, Regular Council Meeting was moved to March 27, 2024, to allow Council and Administration to attend the Rural Municipalities of Alberta Spring Convention.


Administration and Councillor Activity Reports

Council received the activity reports provided by Administration. Each Councillor also gave their own report of meetings and events attended in the past month, including: Veterans Highway Association, Joint Council Meeting, Beaver Emergency Services Commission, Beaver Foundation, Tofield Inter-Municipal Collaboration, Holden Seed Cleaning Plant, Beaver Emergency Medical Services, NSWA (North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance), Tofield Winterfest, Minister Ric McIver and Town of Tofield meeting, Minister Rick Wilson - Open House, Meals on Wheels, Beaver County Victim Services, Beaver Regional Partnership Meeting.



For more information on items discussed at the Council Meeting, please review the Agenda Package for this meeting. New and/or amended Policies and Bylaws are uploaded to the website after they have been signed.