Road Maintenance

Road Maintenance

Beaver County maintains approximately 2,620 kilometers of local road, of which around 55 kilometers are oiled or paved. The County has 12 graders to maintain these roads on a full-time basis. The snow removal fleet consists of 12 full-time graders, 3 spare graders and two plow trucks.

The latest Construction Schedule can be found in the County News within the Chronicle postings!

County News

The Government of Alberta is responsible for maintenance, construction and snow removal on all numbered highways, including highways 14, 630, 833, 834, 854, 626, 855, 857, 26, 36, 619, and 870. To report a concern about a provincial road, contact the government's contractor, Emcon Services Inc. at 1-800-390-2242

Beaver County has a Roadway Maintenance Level of Service Policy. The intent of the Policy is to provide direction and guidance in the effort to maintain the County's roadway infrastructure to a standard which is commensurate with its intended purpose and within a responsible fiscal framework.  

The Policy outlines the types of roads in the County - resource, main collector, minor collector, local, machinery / access, undeveloped roadways / road allowances - and provides guidelines for their maintenance. Following are examples of some of ways the County will endeavour to maintain developed roadways to the highest level possible:



Road Surface Width




 Culverts Ditches

Feeder Roads

7 - 10

Once every 10 working days or as required

150 tonne/km, every 1 - 3 years or as required

Shoulder Pulls as required. Rebuild as necessary

Inspect annually and replace as necessary Inspect annually

Local Roads

6 - 8

Once every 20 working days or as required

150 tonne/km, every 3 - 5 years or as required

Shoulder Pulls as required. Rebuild as necessary

Inspect annually and replace as necessary Inspect annually
Machinery Roads

4 - 6 surface

Once per year if required

As determined by administration

N/A, unless Council directs a road upgrade project

N/A Inspect as required

Undeveloped Road Allowances









Residential only upon construction, upgrading of adjacent County Road, or culvert maintenance

Per Road Approaches Policy

As determined by administration


The minimum level of service for developed roadways is a gravelled surface. Any surface treatment beyond gravel, such as calcium or other dust suppressant, oil or asphalt pavement is considered to be an enhanced level of service.  

Following are some highlights for the maintenance of additional roadway infrastructure: 

Drainage systems: In order to maintain a roadway in optimum condition, water must be kept from saturating the sub-grade and also from eroding the roadway.  Culvert installations provide relief for natural drainage channels and also prevent undue accumulation and retention of water on and adjacent to the roadway.

All culverts will be inspected regularly to ensure proper and effective operations. Properly installed and maintained culverts will protect the roadway against storm and subsurface water damage.  The capacity of culverts can be reduced dramatically when damaged or blocked by silt, debris or ice. Culverts that are prone to freezing will be inspected in the early spring.  Culverts that become plugged with ice during spring runoff will be steamed open as soon as is practical. All ditches, especially those with heavy flows and those subject to flooding or erosion will be inspected each spring or during peak flow periods to ensure proper drainage is maintained.

To review more of this Policy, click here or call the County Office at 780-663-3730.

The below projects have been approved by Council for the 2024 Construction Program:

TERRACEM (hard surfacing)- 10.85 Miles total and approximately $ 3,150,000

  • RGE RD 200 from HWY 630 north to Blackfoot Grazing Reserve entrance (1.5 miles)
  • RGE RD 202 from TWP RD 502 to 504 (2 miles)
  • RGE RD 161A from HWY 14 and HWY 855 (0.6 miles)
  • TWP RD 490 from RGE RD 120 to 124 (4 miles)
  • RGE RD 130 from HWY 619 to TWP RD 480 (1 mile). Pending culvert replacement completion in August 2023.
  • Village of Holden one mile in various locations (1 mile). This work falls under Policy PW020 - Public Works Services in Urban Municipalities for full cost recovery.
  • RGE RD 120 from TWP RD 490 north to the entrance of the Viking Hutterite Colony (0.75 mile). This works falls under the Dust Control Policy regarding the Long Term Application section for a 50% cost share, pending written request.

REPAIRS - 1 Mile total (as needed) approximately $ 300,000 

  • 1 mile of full cement and double chip seal repairs, specific locations to be determined.

RE-CHIPPING - 8 Miles total and approximately $ 480,000

  • 8 miles of re-chipping specific locations to be determined.

FOG OVERLAY - 10 Miles total and approximately $ 140,000

  • 10 miles of fog overlay specific locations to be determined.

Reinforcing its commitment to the safety of the travelling public, Beaver County has a Snow Clearing and Ice Control Policy.

Snow Clearing & Ice Control Agreements

Residential Snow Clearing and Ice Control Agreement

Agricultural Snow Clearing and Ice Control Agreement


Q. When will the County commence snow and ice control? 
A. Snow and ice control will generally commence when snowfall accumulation reaches 100 mm (4 inches) approximately.

The County will endeavour to have collector/feeder roads (bus routes), and local roads opened within 48 hours and all local roads opened within 72 hours, unless weather conditions do not allow these timelines to be met, or in the event of a severe snow event.

However please note: The equipment operator may vary from the order of priority above, where in his/her sole discretion, it is more advantageous to the County to immediately plow a road, driveway, or approach than to return after completing higher priorities.

Snow and ice control may be commenced before accumulations have reached 100 mm if, in the opinion of the County, road conditions could become unsafe if left unattended.

Q. What does the County consider to be a severe snow event? 
A. A severe snow event is a winter storm which has made numerous County roads impassable and is adversely affecting the ability of County crews to keep the roads open.

Q. How will the County respond in a severe snow event? 
A. In the case of a severe snow event, the County will provide the necessary resources and response to mitigate the impact to County residents and to reduce the potential damage to County-controlled infrastructure.

External resources may be hired in these circumstances at the discretion of the Chief Administrative Officer or his designate.

The health and safety of the County's equipment operators will not be compromised in its response to a severe snow event.

In the case of a severe snow event, the County may only open a single driving lane to keep as many roads passable as possible, before returning to open the entire roadway.

Q. What order will the roads be cleared? 
A. Snow and ice control will be carried out based on the following order of priority:

Please note: The equipment operator may vary from the order of priority above, where in his/her sole discretion, it is more advantageous to the County to immediately plow a road, driveway, or approach than to return after completing higher priorities.

  1. All collector/feeder roads (bus routes);
  2. All local roads which are not bus routes;
  3. Roadways and driveways used to access emergency service providers (e.g. fire halls);
  4. Snow clearing of private driveways;
  5. Snow clearing of private approaches (if not done as part of snow clearing);
  6. Snow clearing of public facilities as requested (e.g. community halls);
  7. Unmaintained road allowances used for agricultural purposes, on a per request basis as equipment and resources are available.

Q. Can the County clear my driveway? 
A. The County may provide snowplowing services of driveways subject to the following conditions:

  1. The County will provide the service at its discretion subject to the priorities established by this Policy.
  2. Landowner(s) have signed a snow clearing & Ice Control agreement provided by the County (above).
  3. The County will determine whether the service can be provided without causing damage to property or to County equipment in terms of width of area or turning area.
  4. Owner will contact the County Office when driveways require the service and prepay. The operator will complete the service at his/her discretion for the optimum benefit of the area of Snow and Ice Control.
  5. The County has established a fee for service for private snow clearing.

For more information, call the County Office at 780-663-3730

Beaver County accepts backsloping applications from residents until May 31 for completion in a given calendar year. Applications are reviewed and ultimately approved for completion by Beaver County Council as per the County’s Backsloping Policy. Applications which are not approved are kept by the County for consideration in future years.

Backsloping Policy        Backsloping Application Form